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To start, we recommend using SSA (single script architecture) to kick off your new project using Lumin. No start function needed, all you need to do is import the main module from your Packages folder and you're done.


A server script is required to start the framework due to networking, a client script is optional

Loading Modules

To load a module, you need to run the Framework.Load function providing the parent folder or object, and optionally pass a filter function through as well.

local Framework = require(ReplicatedStorage.Packages.Framework)
Framework.Load(ReplicatedStorage.Modules, function(module)
    if module.Name:find("turkey") then
        return true
end) -- filter can be as complex as you want it to be

Finding Server/Client Interfaces

The server and client interfaces can be accessed via the .Server and .Client functions. Keep in mind that neither of these will work if you are not running the parent script on the correct run context.

local Framework = require(ReplicatedStorage.Packages.Framework)
local Server = Framework.Server() -- or Framework.Client()

From here, you can access run context specific items like the player gui.